Foresight for Beginners

As already discussed under Foresight for Policy Makers and Foresight for Practitioners, there is a rising demand of expertise in the fields of long-term strategy supporting, foresight and forward looking activities.

This demand can be roughly categorized into two quite different areas. First the demand for strategic planning and long-term decision makes in the field of corporate foresight and second the demand for sustainable solutions to Grand Challenges and long-term decision making in policy.

To learn about foresight, the rational, the theory and the practice, it is important to critically deal with a lot of new approaches and perspectives. There are many different ways how to do foresight and one can be found in this guide.

Educational Sites

Nevertheless it is also important to not only do foresight projects in a transdiciplinary and theory based fashion but to also learn foresight in that way. The EFP has therefore built an extensive overview on Educational Sites, PhD. programs and courses on foresight, future studies and corporate foresight all over the world.